Our Firm Leadership

Duncan Stubbs would not be known as the “immovable object in mass litigation” without the leadership of our partner attorneys who understand how important it is that our clients know we will stand for them no matter what.

The client-first culture we live every day at Duncan Stubbs is made possible by their dedication to delivering justice to those who need it most.

McAlan Duncan

McAlan Duncan

Founding Partner

McAlan “Mac” Duncan is a founding partner of Duncan Stubbs.

Prior to co-founding Duncan Stubbs, Mac managed the Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities practice at Jenkens Gilchrist and Fulbright Jaworski and started Cross Equities, a real estate development firm which specializes in multi-family properties and distressed asset resolution based on a strategy that identifies the highest value assets available in key geographic regions for development and redevelopment.

At Duncan Stubbs, Mac focuses on management of joint venture law firms throughout the country and capitalizing the litigation strategies of the firm at every level. He co-founded Duncan Stubbs to disrupt the way mass litigation was conducted in America with the goal of maximizing client recoveries and has served over 40,000 plaintiffs since 2016.

Mac is also a co-Chairman of the Duncan Stubbs Foundation. He has been practicing law since 1999 and is licensed in Texas and Washington D.C.

“We’ve built our firm around the idea that we are at our best when we truly know who our clients are. We take the time to form a relationship with them. We know their families, their kids’ birthdays. So when negligent companies try to delay justice for our clients, we will not stand for that. It’s personal to us.”

Matthew Stubbs

Managing Partner

Matthew Stubbs is the managing partner of Duncan Stubbs.

Prior to co-founding Duncan Stubbs, Matt was a trial attorney at a large national law firm and then a litigation boutique. He focused on the most complicated and highly contested cases at those firms, and he has served as first-chair lead trial counsel in more than fifty trials to verdict. He approaches the practice of law differently. Partly because prior to practicing law, he served in management at J.P. Morgan Chase as an investment banker focused on securitized assets in the capital markets. He understands the cause and effect of actions taken over a long duration in negotiations and litigations, and focuses on eliminating options of adversaries in zero sum situations.

At Duncan Stubbs, Matt focuses on underwriting litigations, designing the firm’s litigation strategies, and managing the execution of those strategies for all attorneys throughout the country.

He is licensed in Florida, Texas, Arizona, Washington D.C. and holds a Multi-District Litigation Certificate and Advanced Certificate from Duke Law School.

He is a co-Chairman of the Duncan Stubbs Foundation and is also the Secretary and Executive Committee Member of the Diabetes Research Institute Foundation, the leading non-profit in the search of a cure for diabetes.

“I spend a lot of time in research, but my clients have my cell phone number. I make it my business to know what they’re going through so when I’m thinking of strategy, it’s not just a theoretical case - it’s a specific client’s case. It reminds me of why we do this, and our clients are the motivation.”

Matthew Stubbs